Six week X-ray: No change, still broken

I kind of wanted to cry right in the doctor’s office but I didn’t. The X-ray looks just the same as it did when I first broke my foot six weeks ago. Still very broken. No signs of any new bone growth.

I saw a different doctor because my usual doctor had some sort of emergency that backed him up. He said he didn’t find it unusual or a big concern to not see progress on the X-ray at six weeks, because at the location where I broke my bone, it can heal relatively slowly. He said has been doing his job for 30 years and can only recall two cases of non-union, both of the patients were older women.

six weeks foot2
Six week X-ray. Looks exactly the same as my week two X-ray.

(This X-ray really goes to show that my last one looked different only because my foot was turned at a slightly different angle. This time, I made sure to turn my foot well when my X-ray was being taken.)

The doctor felt around my broken bone, kneading and pressing, but I didn’t really feel any pain. He said that was a good sign. He said the fact that it didn’t hurt when he did that signals that the bone has probably been filled in with soft tissue.

Doctor’s orders are to start walking in my boot without crutches. He said I’ll feel better if I can do that, and it seems that walking and putting weight on a broken bone can promote bone growth. If it hurts, I shouldn’t do it, but he seems to think it won’t hurt me. So I am scared to try it, but I will.

He said Vitamin D deficiency can be a problem with getting calcium, so he suggested I take get 4,000 IU of Vitamin D, which is definitely less than I’ve been taking. So I will start taking more Vitamin D. (I just read that 66 percent of non-unions have a Vitamin D deficiency. I guess there’s another vitamin I missed.)

It’s tough to stay positive when I don’t see any progress on the X-ray. Yes, I don’t have much pain, just tinges here and there, and my foot is starting to look normal again, but it’s still so broken. It’s depressing.

13 thoughts on “Six week X-ray: No change, still broken

  1. Tracey

    I had my appointment on 13th and the outcome was exactly the same as you. However when the doctor pressed on my foot in a certain place it hurt. My foot still hurts which is a worry. Thankfully you don’t appear to have any pain or discomfort so that is a good sign šŸ˜Š I am back in another foot cast and he wants to see me in another 2 weeks. I do feel for you. Yes, it’s very depressing; I don’t think people realise how debilitating this injury is and also emotionally & psychologically draining. Apparently walking on it does help recovery so this is hopeful for you. Unfortunately I’m not allowed yet because I’m still sore. Pain is an indicator and even now it’s sore with cast on 6 weeks in. I will let you know what happens after my next appointment. Best wishes TJ.


    1. How much does it hurt? What kind of pain is it? When my doctor pressed around my foot, I did feel a little pain on the bottom of my foot, but I didn’t feel anything on the top or side when he was pressing. None of the pain was bad enough to make me wince, the pain on the bottom was just kind of dull and tender. I think research is mixed (research is basically mixed on everything!) but after a certain point, sometimes insurance will pay for bone stimulator machines that send ultrasound waves to your bone to promote growth. I know very little about how the health care system works in the UK, but just an idea. I’m not sure what type of doctor you are seeing, but maybe you could see an orthopedic specialist and see if a second opinion might help. Good luck with the follow-up!


      1. Tracey

        Hi brokenjules. I would describe my pain as a `dull ache’. It is not unbearable so I do not take any pain relief. It hurts enough so I am aware of it, but it comes and goes so to speak. A couple of nights I have woken up with a `sharp’ pain; enough to wake me, although once I awoke the pain seem to subside. I’m not sure whether it’s a `healing’ pain or not. The consultant said it is normal for it to hurt and that if it becomes intolerable I can take paracetamol. I don’t have any pain or discomfort under my foot at all, having said that I haven’t put my foot down at all as I am following the doctor’s instructions not to weight bear. Basically it feels `sore’.

        Interestingly, when I got home from the hospital on Friday, I did some research online to see if there was anything else I could do to speed up/help the healing process. I did discover the bone stimulator. I tried ringing the hospital to get some advice about this but unfortunately there was no answer – I will try and speak to someone about it this week although I’m not sure if it’s available on the NHS or whether I would need to pay for it privately. Currently I would be unable to use it because of the cast. I think a doctor would need to mark exactly where the injury is on the patient as the bone stimulator needs to be places directly on the flesh where the injury is located in order to be effective. Again, they are reportedly good, but whether it would be suitable for me I’m not sure.

        I see from your x-ray that your break is higher up than mine. My break is lower down, more towards the base and is broken in two places; one straight across and the other in a diagonal similar to yours, but my break line looks thinner. Over the years I have had surgery for a few things and I’ve also had 2 C sections having my daughters, but nothing compares to this. I don’t think people realise how debilitating it can be and breaking this metatarsal is a `nasty’ experience. The man who fixed my cast for me at the hospital even said that people think it’s not very serious because it’s the bone linking your small toe but it can actually take a lot longer to heal than the other metatarsals. I thought: `great, now he tells me!’

        All I can say is: it will get better in time. Everybody’s different and people heal at different rates. I hope I can give you some positive news in a couple of weeks after my appointment. Take care of yourself. TJ.


      2. Is your fracture a “Jones fracture?” It sounds like it. Those are notorious for healing slowly because there isn’t much blood flow there, apparently. I was told that because mine is higher up, my fracture shouldn’t have problems healing. (Of course, I am getting very anxious for something to show up on the x-ray though.) I obviously don’t know how health care works in England, but if you can see an orthopedic surgeon, they should be the most qualified to advise you. And as for your job, an hour commute sounds too much to use a taxi or an Uber. Most jobs these days can be done remotely so hopefully they are being understanding. Hang in there. Maybe get a Netflix account to pass the time, that’s what I’ve done! Let me know how the next X-ray looks!


      3. Tracey

        I asked the consultant (the first one I saw; I’ve seen three different ones – that’s the NHS for you – you get what you are given) if it was a `Jones’ fracture as I was convinced, but he said it was not. I think I will ask again when I go back on 27th as I’m not confident with his answer. Today I started taking my supplements: Calcium, Vit D, Magnesium and L-Lysine. If nothing else they shouldn’t do any harm in helping the healing process.

        I think the three consultants I’ve already seen have been orthopaedic surgeons as the first one wanted to operate (if he wasn’t one I’d be very worried!). However, when I go back I might cheekily ask if they are orthopaedic surgeons for reassurance.

        I’ve just realised something I forgot to say earlier. The cast on my foot is quite restrictive and can make my foot swell a bit. It’s a strange sensation. My foot feels like it’s being squeezed sometimes, not a nice feeling, but that is what they are using at present to keep it stable. I’m a bit concerned it might be cutting the blood supply to that metatarsal bone.

        I will let you know how my next x-ray looks (fingers crossed). I look forward to hearing about your progress and please God it will be positive for you. Best wishes. TJ.


      4. Gosh, that sounds very frustrating. Well I can tell you, I told my doctor (orthopedic surgeon) about the supplements I was taking and he seemed to think it was worth a shot, although he recommended I take Vitamin D on top of it. I definitely don’t think it hurts to try. Since you may have a Jones fracture, the treatment may be different, but if the cast is a permanent one, maybe you should ask about wearing a removable Aircast. It seems a lot of patients do this for metatarsal fractures. If I couldn’t shower or sleep without a cast on, I certainly would be even more upset with the long healing time. I think for both of us, it’s a lot of hurry up and wait until we can see the doctor again and ask more questions. Ugh!


  2. chris mulka

    hello I was reading your feed, I have the exact same break as pictured and felt the same way yesterday my six week visit. Just wondering if you bone did eventually heal nicely or was surgery required? Have my daughter wedding Oct 1, 2016 and am hoping i will be able to wear regular shoes and dance. Thanks .


  3. PChandu

    I had a similar break in fifth metatarsal in right foot 2 months ago. Took X ray (after 2 months) i.e. after having Reunion tablets for 30 days (1 per day) and X ray shows slight callous formation. Doctor has put crepe bandage and asked me to stop taking medication. I can wear shoes and walk slowly without limping.


  4. PChandu

    I am not sure why doctor has asked to stop taking medication i.e. Reunion. Was wondering whether i should continue taking them for few more days.


  5. Brenda clay

    hi my name is brenda , and i have had the same break as Tracey , except mind is a longer break in the bone, and mind has been broken for 4 months and 17 days and i went to a new bone doctor and i’m going to get , what is called an , external bone growth stimulater. I will let you know if works or if it doesn’t !!!, write back all of you ,so I will know how ya”ll are. thanks from . brenda from ft worth texas bye.


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